NFO eUpdate
April 2004
Natural Family Online magazine
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NFO eUpdate Newsletter Exclusive!
NFO eUpdate newsletter is growing, just like Natural Family Online.
Look for an all-new article farther down in this newsletter – an
original feature available only to newsletter subscribers!
In the News:
Natural family living is more than just breastfeeding and
babywearing – it's green living that's gentle on the earth and
gentle on your family. In honor of Earth Day, NFO brings you a slew
of ecologically minded articles this month on seeds, community-
supported agriculture, hemp, gardening and more.
New Featured Articles:
Earth Day Special
Kelly Averill Savino looks at what you can do for Earth Day:
Kelly also shows you how to build your own greenhouse:
Kelley Shirazi explains what the fuss about hemp is all about:
Discover the advantages of eating with seasons with Karen Olson:
You can even plan a green wedding with tips from Blake Kritzberg:
And more: Heirloom seeds, community-supported agriculture, 70 uses
for vinegar, and gardening with your children. Look for the "New
This Month" box on our home page with links to all of April's new
When You've Got Questions …
… we've got the answers! Read what our experts have to say about
natural family living, and send in a question of your own (sorry,
personal responses not available).
Raising Kids With Your Values
New contributor Mark Brandenburg offers a special look at sharing
your values with your kids:
Raising daughters:
Preserving memories:
Family responsibilities:
Good, old-fashioned chores:
Let the Sun Shine
Joel Stonington explains why scientists are now saying that a
moderate amount of sunshine is good for you.
Yellow Light: Cytotec and Labor Induction
Cytotec, a drug frequently given to induce labor, may not be as safe
as you assumed, reports Christine Climer.
Getting Started With Homeschooling
Susan Mallette takes a peek into the ideas and resources you'll need
for home learning.
"Those Kids are Just Like Me!"
Check out the AP and natural family books for children on the NFO
Make Today Magical
Alicia Bayer shares 10 magical ways to find the joy in any day.
We've got a huge issue this month! We have literally dozens of more
new articles. Visit the New This Month section on our home page for
a complete list of what's new this month.
Got questions? Find the answers!
Question: Our two boys, ages 7 and 9, are constantly fighting. The
only thing that works is to separate them -- my wife with one, and I
take the other. It's driving us nuts. Do you have any suggestions?
Mark Brandenburg responds:
Question: We are eating way too much junk food. We want to clean up
our family's diet. Help!
Karen Prior responds:
… and still more NEW questions and answers on natural family living.
Visit Questions & Answers to see them all:
Have a question of your own? Send it to our experts at
[email protected]. We'll forward them on to our
experts and publish as many as possible. (Sorry, personal responses
are not available.)
What do you think?
How do you cope when you fall off the wagon into not-so-natural
ways? Let's talk!
How useful do you find natural product and book reviews? Do you rely
on them to find new products? Do you disagree with most of them and
skip reading them? Let us know how you feel in our monthly poll:
NFO eUpdate Feature:
Eggs-travagant Eggs -- Wonderfully Simple and Oh, So Impressive!
By Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes
You don't need a $40 Easter egg decorating kit with pages of
instructions to impress your family and guests this Easter – achieve
sophisticated elegance with colors taken directly from nature.
By simply decorating from a myriad of plants and flowers, you can
create a beautiful range of natural colors and textures. Try this
technique; it's simple enough to do with young children.
Gather together eggs, an enamel or stainless steel pot, vinegar,
cheesecloth, a rubber band and plant materials such as onionskins,
blueberries, pecan hulls, parsley, beets or dandelions.
1. To prepare the dye bath, fill a pot with two or three cups of
plant material. Barely cover it with water (more plant material
produces stronger colors.) Simmer for at least 30 minutes. Add water
and stir as needed. The dyes can be made several days in advance and
stored in the refrigerator. Strain and heat the dye before using it.
2. Use hard-boiled or blown-out eggs. Carefully wash the eggs with
soap and water. Allow them to dry. Wipe the eggs with vinegar.
3. To decorate the eggs, moisten small leaves and grasses one at a
time. Press them firmly against the egg. Hold them in place by
wrapping the eggs in a six-inch square of cheesecloth or nylon
pantyhose. Pull the cloth tight against the egg and secure it with a
rubber band. Immerse the egg in a container of warm dye. Some dyes
are stronger than others. The process may take only a few moments or
several hours. Dyes derived from yellow onionskin, red onionskin and
blueberries all provide quick results.
4. Unwrap the eggs, drain and let them dry upright.
What a magical and unpredictable process! Each lustrous egg is a
unique surprise. Some of our favorites were the results of happy
accidents. Enjoy discovering!
Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes are the co-authors of
the award-winning book "Together: Creating Family Traditions." To
check out their web site that's jam packed with family ideas, visit To subscribe to their online
newsletter, go to
Visit our sponsors:
Mama Me and More
From conception on: mama, baby and more. We sell wooden toys, baby
slings, organic creams, labor kits, welcome kits, casting kits,
gripe water, nursing products, books (pregnancy, parenting) and
Dynamic Vision Helping Fathers Succeed
Are you a father who'd like to improve relationships in your family?
Or are you struggling to balance your work and family life? If
you're a father looking to improve, let Mark Brandenburg assist you
with father coaching as well as business and personal coaching.
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Spring into the season with NFO … naturally!