Natural Family Online News
January 2004
Natural Family Online magazine
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Baby Matters: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Caring for
Your Baby is a groundbreaking book that only a mother with both
rigorous scientific training and an extensive alternative health
practice could have assembled. Dr. Linda Folden Palmer uncovers the
hidden consequences of parenting choices, both physiological and
psychological, and filters out what is not valid or substantiated.
Baby Matters is not just another rehash of conventional advice;
neither is it an extremist's cry. It contains solid, never-before
published scientific knowledge in easy-to-digest language for the
interested new parent.
Parenting from the Heart Telephone Counseling
Jan Hunt, M.Sc., author of The Natural Child; counseling on issues
involving attachment parenting, homeschooling and personal concerns;
(866) 593-1547.
Elizabeth Pantley
Renowned parenting author Elizabeth Pantley offers parenting advice,
hints, tips, links, videos, audiotapes, and books on raising
children with love, compassion, respect and consistency.
In the News:
Do you deserve to know the facts?
Natural Family Online watched with a mixture of amusement, sadness
and disgust as forces rushed to refute the bare facts laid out in
Dr. Linda Folden Palmer's special report on doubled death rates for
formula-fed American babies
featured in last month's NFO. The report received widespread
attention from parents and media across the globe but was
predictably ignored by mainstream media and medicine.
In fact, on the heels of the report's publication at NFO came news
of infant formula makers' blocking of the Ad Council's National
Breastfeeding Awareness Campaign. Formula companies contacted board
members and executives at organizations such as the American Academy
of Pediatrics, the National Institutes of Health, the National WIC
Association and the Centers for Disease Control, criticizing the Ad
Council's breastfeeding campaign for being negative, being critical of formula and making formula-feeders feel guilty. The complaints have effectively brought the campaign to a standstill. Read more at
New Featured Articles:
Top 10 uses for a crib (other than sleeping!)
Gina Ritter offers some ideas for this piece of furniture that you might not have considered.
When your parenting comes under fire
People say the darnedest things sometimes -- and natural parenting practices can be a common target in mainstream America. Lisa Poisso provides some strategies for responding.
Coping with slow labor
Slow labor isn't necessarily a problem. Patricia Newton gives you tools for coping with lazy labor.
New Education Feature!
Earth Keeper unit study activities
Enjoy this literature-based unit study and activity guide with an ecological bent – a new monthly educational feature from Susan Mallette.
Vitamin D: Sunlight or supplement?
Christine Climer looks at your family's needs for Vitamin D. What are the possible sources, and what's behind the new supplementation recommendations?
… and dozens more new articles. Visit our Read channel for access to all the latest features:
New Advice from our Experts:
Question: My daughter is almost 18 months old. For a while, I was starting to see the process of natural weaning taking place. She was eating more solids and nursing less. But now it seems like she is going in reverse. She nurses more and eats less solids. Is this normal?
Linda Folden Palmer responds:
Question: My baby won't nap! She fights sleep but gets fussier and fussier as the day progresses. It also seems that on days when she doesn't nap, she doesn't sleep well at night either. It's a huge struggle, and I am at my wit's end. How can I get her to nap? Please help!
Elizabeth Pantley responds:
Question: I am recently separated from my wife, and my kids are not handling things very well (nor am I). I try to be strong and affectionate when I am with them because I do love them dearly. My question to you is have you found within your experience that children in this position cannot handle criticism well and flaunt you in regard to what you have taught them in the past? Jan Hunt responds:
Question: We recently had a traumatic trip to the emergency room for my daughter's bleeding cut. No matter how much I wrapped it, the bleeding wouldn't stop. Is there anything I could have done with herbs to help stem the flow?
Andrea Candee responds:
Question: I have heard some controversial statements concerning the use of sodium lauryl sulfate, or SLS. Can you tell me exactly what SLS is, how it is used, and whether or not I should be concerned? Laura Seipp responds:
… and still more NEW questions for our experts. Visit Ask the Experts to see them all:
Have a question of your own? Send it to our experts at
[email protected]. We'll forward them on to our experts and publish as many as possible.
On the Bookshelf:
Looking for information on the latest and greatest books about natural family lifestyles? Visit our fledgling Bookshelf channel. We'll be adding new listings every month, keeping you up to date with all the hot new releases on natural topics!
I am inquiring to see if anyone has thoughts on church nurseries or mom-day-out programs (where a church or daycare offers one day or half day a week care for babies). My gut doesn't like the idea of nurseries--even for a bit of time, but I need to hear some others thoughts on this. Does it depend on the age of baby? Or the location?
Does out-of-home child care have a place in the natural family? Join the discussion at the NFO discussion boards.
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