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NFO eUpdate
October 2004
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Parenting From the Heart telephone counseling Need sensitive, family-centered advice and perspective on your life's challenges? Psychologist and attachment parenting expert Jan Hunt, director of The Natural Child Project, provides personal and family counseling by telephone. Compassionate and knowledgeable, Jan offers caring, respectful sessions that are solution-focused and confidential. She will listen and talk with you about your concerns, explore feelings, help you to gain perspective, discuss options and find support and services in your community. Jan specializes in attachment parenting and alternative education, but she is available for personal counseling as well.
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NFO eUpdate Newsletter Exclusive
Look for an all-new article farther down in this issue of NFO eUpdate -- an original feature available only to newsletter subscribers!
Highlights from October's NFO
Redecorate naturally Spruce up your home with healthy, earth- friendly décor and furnishings.
The "New" Old Halloween This year, celebrate Halloween as "Winter's Eve"
with age-old traditions.
"I hate my teacher!" Help your kids cope with a less-than-ideal student-teacher relationship.
Decongestants and other myths Don't fall prey to common misconceptions about high fevers, decongestants, ear infections and other wintertime ailments.
Nursing strike! Find support and discover the tops tips for tempting your baby back to the breast when your baby suddenly turns her nose up at nursing.
Don't fall off the wagon Check out savvy strategies for sticking with your diet plan – or any dietary restrictions.
And much, much more! Redecorate naturally … Make your own bubble bath …
Recipe: Foaming Chocolate Milk Bath … New Halloween traditions … Skin care:
Got parabens? … Does your pet eat grass? … Top myths about winter illnesses … Homeopathy for menopause … Try walking meditation … Saw palmetto supplements … Dieting: don't fall off the wagon! … Make your own baby food … Vegetable Upside-Down Casserole … "I hate my teacher!" … Goal- setting for kids … Investigate charter schools … Spanking and later behavior … The "n"
word … Tips for successful family beds … What you say, what kids hear … Make it through a nursing strike … The baby blues – postpartum depression.
Visit for tons of practical tools and tips on these topics and more!
You've got questions? We've got answers!
"My kids tend to get frequent colds once school and day care start.
-- Andrea Candee responds:
"How on earth do I take care of my wool diaper covers?" -- Kendell Schafer
Send us your best healthy recipes
NFO is looking for your favorite healthy recipes featuring whole foods, organic foods, vegetarian or vegan foods. What's cooking in your kitchen?
Your recipe could be chosen to appear in NFO's Cooking & Recipes channel!
Send your recipe in the body of your e-mail (no attachments, please) to editor @ (no spaces).
DISCUSS! at Natural Family Online
"What do you consider a large family? 3 kids? 12? Let's tell those stories
-- what makes the large-family lifestyle work? I'll even start off with my own story. I'm the youngest of seven kids. My parents had the first
6 in
about 10 years, then I came along 11 years later! So I have the odd experience of being an only child in a big family. I have to say though, I wouldn't change it for the world - my sibs are spread out all over the country, but we're still very close. I love the fact that I have a whole list of people who I can call at 2 a.m. if I need a shoulder to cry on, even though 6 hours earlier we were arguing."
Add your comment at NFO's community discussion board:
NFO eUpdate Feature: Exclusive content for eUpdate subscribers only!
Top 10 Ways to Teach Values to Your Kids By Mark Brandenburg
In a consumer-driven society that broadcasts values that don't reflect what you believe, how can you teach values to your kids? Here are 10 ideas to help.
1. Tell them your life stories and teach through your stories. Kids love to hear stories about your childhood. Weave in some moral dilemmas and you've got great opportunities to teach values to them. It certainly beats lecturing your kids!
2. Live your own life according to your values. Walk the talk. Kids learn by imitating, especially at a young age. They are very adept at seeing if what you say and what you do match up. Don't give them confusing signals; follow your own values every moment.
3. Expose them to your religion or faith. It seems especially important today to let them know that they're not alone. Providing your kids with a community of faith will strengthen their values and provide parents some "leverage."
4. Pay attention to who else might be teaching values to your kids.
Get to
know your child's teachers, coaches, relatives, etc. Anyone who spends time with your kids may be influencing them. Know their values and beliefs, as well.
5. Ask your kids questions that will stimulate dialogue about values.
Telling them what values they should have won't always be effective, especially when they get older. Asking them "curious" questions will allow discussions that will eventually lead to values. "What did you think about that fight?" may be more effective than "He shouldn't have started that fight!"
6. Talk to them about values in a relaxed and easy way. Nothing will turn your kids off more than preaching values to them after they've screwed up!
Talk to them when everyone's relaxed, and do it in a light, conversational manner. They'll be much more likely to be listening rather than tuning you out.
7. Read them fairy tales when they're younger. Fairy tales capture the imagination of kids and can easily lead to a discussion of values.
Kids will
learn the most concerning values when they're excited about the topic.
8. Involve your kids in art, activities or helping others while limiting TV and video games. Kids learn values when they experience them. Allow them to experience helping others and involve them in activities that will expand their creativity.
9. Have frequent conversations about values in your household. This lets your kids know that it's important and it's not just something you talk about when they do something wrong.
10. Have high expectations for your kids' value systems. Kids will tend to rise to the level of expectation you have for them. Their value systems will often reflect yours if the expectations are high.
© Mark Brandenburg
NFO contributing author Mark Brandenburg MA, CPCC, is the author of
Secrets of Emotionally Intelligent Fathers and is a personal coach to parents.
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Enjoy autumn with NFO ... naturally! Have a great October.