You can visit our guidelines at the site, but I would also like to encourage you to join our growing list of writers on a yahoo group. This is a private, NON CHAT group that’s not listed in Yahoogroups. It’s specifically for sending out assignments. We send the article deadline, details of length and what we're looking for, etc..
Just send me your name and e-mail address and we will send you an invite.
If you meet a publicist or writer who might be interested in picking up future NFO assignments for any channel at NFO, please ask them if they'd like an invitation to the list. (Be sure to mention that it's a private, unlisted list by invitation only, announcements only with no chat.) If they would like an invitation, please send me their email address.
The pay is $15 per original, nothing for reprints. Pay on publication. View our guidelines for more information.
We’re a volunteer run site and pay for hosting, development and articles with our advertising money. All monies go to those three things.
Gina Ritter