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NFO eUpdate
September 2004
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Children of the New Earth magazine
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NFO eUpdate Newsletter Exclusive
Look for an all-new article farther down in this issue of NFO eUpdate -- an original feature available only to newsletter subscribers!
Highlights from August's NFO
New and improved!
Natural Family Online is quick, convenient, all-natural - and now, new and improved! Check out our new channels this month, bringing you natural solutions for the whole family.
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You'll still find all your old favorite channels, too. We're better than ever!
Harvest home Bring the homespun tradition of wheat weaving into your home to celebrate the autumn season:
Perky pet ears Prevent and treat your pet's ear infections with natural
Head Lice 101 School's back in session - and so are the head lice.
Find out
how to treat the little buggers naturally:
Feeling frazzled? Visit our special Frazzled Parents feature for tips on coping when you've just yelled at the kids:
More ideas for those time when they're driving you nuts:
Finally, chill out with eight simple stress-busters:
And let go and revel in a hobby -- they're not just for kids:
Are vegetarian kids healthy? They certainly are! Find out how:
And much, much more! Clothes-swapping parties . make cornstarch clay .
homeopathy for acne . simple strategies for health . the infection- allergy connection . homeopathy for ADHD . minerals for menopause . frugal, nutritious snacks . starting a drama club . making diapers and wipes .
grandparents at baby's birth . new books this month .
Visit for tons of practical tools and tips on these topics and more!
You've got questions? We've got answers!
New Questions & Answers in September
"Is our pressure-treated wooden play fort dangerous?" -- Christine Climer
"How can I help my preschooler with the torture of long lines?" -- Jan Hunt
NFO eUpdate Feature: Exclusive content for eUpdate subscribers only!
Positive Thinking for Kids
By Elizabeth Pantley
During their growth and development, children go through many stages of self-doubt. They are always comparing themselves to others, and they often see themselves as coming up short. As parents, we can offset this natural tendency in our children by giving them the skills to think more positively.
It is important that you really listen to your children and help them overcome their negative thoughts and beliefs. This is, of course, easier to do if you practice positive thinking yourself.
Our world is so full of negative feedback. We need to arm our children with a positive attitude, so that they can stay focused in the right direction.
Let's look at some typical negative statements from children, along with some positive responses from their wise parents.
I can't do it.
Take your time and try again. I have confidence in you.
Heather hates me.
Sounds like you're feeling rejected by Heather, and that must hurt.
I know
you want Heather to like you. Remember that you're a very lovable kid and a terrific person, no matter what Heather or anyone else says or does.
And you
know, she may have a problem that has nothing to do with you.
I'm just no good in history.
You've brought up C's before - I know you can do it again. Besides that, honey, nobody is good at everything. And look at this A in math -- you've always done well with numbers!
I'm so clumsy. I'll never learn to rollerblade!
It's tough learning something new. Remember when you first tried to ski, how hard it was? But you stuck with it, and now you're really good at skiing.
There is real value in discussing positive thinking and self-esteem with your children on a regular basis. Sadly, these subjects are not yet included in the school curriculum. There are good books written for children, as well as adults, which demonstrate the use of positive thinking. Reading a book together is a good launching pad for starting a conversation.
Pointing out
positive versus negative attitudes from news stories or life stories is an excellent way of showing your children just how this all works in real life, too.
A great website for finding lots of wonderful positive messages is:
Modeling a positive attitude is one of the most effective ways of teaching your children. Children learn what they live. So start presenting your thoughts in a positive way: Oh well, I burned the dinner - guess that means we get to eat cereal for dinner!
Parents always hope that their children will have a positive outlook on life, but most often how this happens is left to chance. When you take this matter into your hands and look for ways to guide your children's thoughts in a positive direction, you will see very exciting results.
C Elizabeth Pantley; excerpted from Kid Cooperation, How to Stop Yelling, Nagging and Pleading and Get Kids to Cooperate NFO regular contributor Elizabeth Pantley is the author of numerous parenting books, a regular radio show guest and is quoted frequently on the web and in national family and women's publications. Read more about Elizabeth
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Kick into autumn with NFO ... naturally! Have a great September.
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